EffW is an implementation of Algorithm W (see Luis Damas’s PhD thesis) in terms of algebraic effects and handlers.
The first implementation of Algorithm W using Algebraic Effects.
- Haskell implementation by Conor McBride
- implements parameterised algebraic effects as Kripke resumptions that keep
track of meta variables
- see Sigal’s et al HOPE 2024 talk for more information
- uses the locally constrained Dictionary trick to get GHC to automatically generate segments for resumptions
EffW in Agda
The first attempt at a typechecker for Gilear:
- in Agda by
- generation of paths out of Kripke resumption segments are done by hand
- abandoned half-way for Haskell version (below)
- to be moved to Faeth and refactored
EffW in Haskell [again]
Gilear typechecker implementation:
- in Haskell by
- generation of paths out of Kripke resumption segments are done by hand (as
opposed to the