

Astro on Spacemacs

I have recently moved my blog setup to astro. And, as an emacs user, every time I get into a new technology, I need to get it set up in my environment. That’s the one thing VSCode does better, I guess. Despite my interest in Nix and my recent emacs brain rot, I hate doing.

Fortunately, I found a configuration online. I plopped it into my .spacemacs file and syntax highlighting worked, yay 🎉! However, the LSP part didn’t. Because I wanted to get my website up and running quickly, I powered through it and made do with just syntax highlighting.

Now that I got more time to fix this, I found a solution for my problem:

;; within your `dotspacemacs/user-config`
(setq auto-mode-alist
    (cons '("\\.astro$" . typescript-tsx-mode) auto-mode-alist))

If you have lsp-mode on on your Spacemacs, it will ask you to install astro-ls, which you should do. However, if you’re on Nix as I am, you don’t want to have something installed outside it. I was happy to find that it is available on Nix as astro-language-server.